Yup, todays blogpost has been delayed by a day. Yesterday there was some snow storm leftovers so i didn't get to mingle with my computer much, i had a family doctor thing, and shoveling snow for hours kinda took up the whole day.
Yesterday started with me shoveling my car out of a snow trench, which was fine. I've mentioned before i don't mind and actually enjoy shoveling snow but it's a whole other issue when it starts to eat up the entire day. The clearing of the streets isn't the best and my car actaully got stuck in snow banks four times within a 1/2 mile diameter, there was a gentleman walking his dog around the neighborhood who kept continuestly pushing my car out of these checks so i could move another couple feet only to be rescued by 'Marc' again. He had an awesome dog too. Anyhow, that guy was a huge help. It was kinda funny how everytime i got out of his eyesight I only got stuck again. I swear i wasn't doing anything dumb like running into the biggest pile of snow i could find thinking it would be a fun way to make friends. I used moms car to get to and fro the hospital which is a slightly more snow friendly car but which i still required shoveling to get parked. I also had to reshovel my car out of it's parking spot and shovel a new parking spot (you have to change the side of the street you park on everyday, lest you have the financial deathwish of a parking ticket).
That aside i'm still not super keen on currently displaying all my work in progress. I can say i'm still struggling through building the canvas for my larger pieces... You know, i got a staple gun and the requested staples, and now the staples won't go in the staple gun. WTF? So far though, i've had some help in figuring the building of the frames by a local construction worker/handyman. He's teaching me alot of pretty cool stuff, I'm really enjoying the more carpentry side of this business. Maybe i'll be able to build some of my own easels too (seeing as though i now officially only have my tiny portable one that will come in handy). Thus far what i've used is pine wood, wood glue, nails, hammer, hammer thing which you use to push nails further into the wood (looks like a pick), measuring tape, wood putty, sand paper and some other thing i don't know of which makes the edges square, a brush like device to spread the glue and a drill.
This week I've had the priviledge of meeting up with a great local artist, Rick Harrington, and the lunch just lasted hours on end. It was great chatting with someone who is so candid and friendly who answered some of my questions regarding the business and life. Check out his work, buy some art. :)
So, back to work i go. It's going to be a busy week. Let's get some deadlines checked off.
For the sake of posting something; here's a little gouache study; my snow boots.