Monday, February 23, 2015
Comraderie, art and a chosen path
Chatsworth, 20"x16", oil on panel. Part of 'Wanderess' show.
In my travels i've met many great people and had great experiences. To me my day to day seems the same, but in reality it isn't. I grow more disciplined, more content and more confident. Also you can't help but grow a little because something is learned or accomplished. Either way everyday offers the opportunity for improvement which is why we are no longer apes. That's gotta be a good sign. The fact that we're killing them off probably isn't though.
I wanted to bring attention to the matter of camaraderie. I have not attended a formal fine art school so i have not been naturally thrown into a social dynamic. My artistic friends are slim which is a shame because we benefit a great deal from interacting with others, particularly those who work in our field. They can give us feedback, be an inspiration and who wouldn't benefit from exchanging survival techniques? We learn from each other and it's fun sharing creations and creating together. This sort of social integration seems to differ from place to place; L.A. is the least welcoming of artistic communities, the northern regions seem more open and welcoming which is something i've been looking for. We'll see what happens. I actually want to go to Russia to study... now that i'm finishing my baby steps of becoming a professional artist. ::rolls eyes:: Yea... go back to school. Hummmm. I'm not gonna lie it sounds awesome.
The more i create the more i learn, yes, but i still feel that black hole of formal education missing. I feel that i could push myself to accomplish so much more had i just the understanding and some basic training provided at an academy. And a Russian one at that. So this year i intend on applying. How am i gonna finance it if i get in? I'm going to seek funding. Yea... and i'm still going to be a working fine artist and working with galleries in the U.S.
Anyhow, i gotta finish these large pieces before my show. So... logging off!
до свидания.
miniature; Tuscany
miniature; Malibu
Colorado, 20"x16", oil on panel.
miniature; Colorado.