I still have not heard from Russia with the invite. I'm searching for plan b. Plan c involves me moving to Hawaii and spending the rest of my days stealing piña coladas.
Receiving the invite and attaining the visa is only the first part of a very arduous goal, the second part is seeking funding. I cant seize studying the language though, All be it in a slow, self taught, haphazardous way.
I've started and am continuing on a new series of paintings called 'the cutter'. I'm also getting acquainted with the beauty of delegating. No man, I cannot master everything, yes I need everything well done. Ok, I'll pay you. Yes, I'll do some research to make sure you're not ripping me off. Would you like some popcorn?
Also worth noting but fairly irrelevant to art; California has free medical clinics. The service I've encountered is quality, and although they cannot provide the same health benefits someone with health insurance can, they are there. I am delving further into the system of health insurance and believe I can be provided for with limited benefits. Kaiser has a program which it rotates its doctors from their regular rounds at paid medical facilities to the free ones. Thanks to them. Also, although we haven't been able to diagnose exactly what occurred with my arm (there is some speculation), it has been regaining its mobility and strength slowly but surely. Good job body at doing your job.
And, and event in the U.S. Worth mentioning, congrats to the gay/lesbian community for attaining equal marriage rights in the u.s. Your relationship can now be a three some with the govt as well. :)
Excuse the irregularity on the posts, I still don't have a computer or the Internet. It happens, I think the world will survive, also, for whatever reason the blog won't let me post photos via iPad. When I get to a comp I'll post some. Meanwhile, да сведаня.