Monday, June 8, 2015

On again

So it's been a pretty long while since i've posted.  I really didn't think anyone would care but i've been receiving a surprising amount of requests to continue on with my posts.  So back up and running by random demand.  I don't have the internet at home so posting is actually a pain in the ass... or Starbucks heaven since they have wifi.

Anyhow, i'll admit to enjoying writing these since it gives me time to reflect on weeks which pass.   Long story short, these are good.

I'm not going to write a novel trying to catch up with lost time... But i will give a brief update as to what's happened in the past couple months, or something.

The roadtrip back to l.a. was fantastic, I think it lasted 2-3 weeks, I got gallery representation, i'm currently working with Abend gallery in Colorado.  I'm looking to go to school and get my masters at Repin Academy in Russia, I'm waiting for the invitation/visa to come in the mail so i can move forward with it (after much work i finally got to apply and got accepted, i'll go into the reasons and process some other time.. it's a long story and yes i'm learning the language).  I've made a short film (4mins) which i'm hesitating to release and i've been modeling alot  to pay bills. I've been in some incredible exhibitions with some incredible artists, namely, the CAC Gold Medal Show and the 'On location in Malibu' show.  I'm continuing to dance tango when time allows and still running,   I traded digital concept illustration work to have a programmer redesign my website and i've been approached by California Art Club to have a video documentary done on me (a series including other artists)... we'll see if that happens.  I've been also healing from a bad back injury with no health insurance.

Lastly i'll mention something funny about being in business and being a woman.  (similar situations may happen to men but not as often).  I'll get asked on business outings or coffee whatever and they'll be dates in disguise.  Opportunities will be offered,  real or faux, but after i put my little feminist foot down and mention something is unprofessional business conduct and no i will not go to the cinema with you the opportunities will vanish.  I can take a little flirting, but there is a line and clearly all lines are not created equal.

Before i keep going i'm going to stop.  That's enough writing.  Just wanted to put it out there that i'm alive and kicking.

Meanwhile, here are some great podcasts i've been listening to;
Russian rulers podcast (history)
Podcast-Suggested Donation (art)
The Partially Examined Life (philosophy)
Inquiring Minds (Science)
This American Life (people)
TED radio hour (people)

I had Americas Test Kitchen too but since i've stopped being all fancy with my culinary endeavors i've put that on hold.

No photos today, i'm using a friends computer and i have to go.  Check out my Facebook or Instagram.  Cheers.