above;small oil paint study of 'Tuscany'.
A big part of my current education is business, marketing and networking.
It's great that we get a wonderful education guiding us through different ideals, utopias and fantasies, but as soon as those thoughts leave the sacred silence your success as an island may be questionable, for everyone comes with their own set of realities.
I've stood my ground on different issues which i didn't feel were right and on beliefs which were beautiful as a vison but were left to dust in real life. I've lost my identity as part of my education and crossed many lines which guided me through the grey areas of life, as all of us do. In this new chapter i'm seeking different solutions to success in it's different definitions, business is taking a big part of this one. We have all been witness to and victims of notty business, it made me wonder if all who succeed need to do so at the expense of others, and if human interaction becomes disingenuous. I don't think so. So is there integrity in business? Sure, just make sure you know what you're fighting for and why.
integrity |inˈtegritē|
1 the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness: he is known to be a man of integrity.
2 the state of being whole and undivided: upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty.
• the condition of being unified, unimpaired, or sound in construction: the structural integrity of the novel.
• internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data: [ as modifier ] : integrity checking.
ORIGIN late Middle English ( sense 2): from French intégrité or Latin integritas, from integer ‘intact’ (see integer).
The schedule increasingly becomes more demanding as we add to the ball juggling circus. So, off to another week and the bat cave.
below; some gouache studies.