Monday, October 20, 2014

Gypsy Queen

The life of an artist may be that of an unconventional sort.  Tired or unable to follow parameters set by societies expectations we follow our inspiration and hearts to a world where we make and break our own rules. Nothing had prepared me for the unpredictable future of choosing this path, but the reward of thinking for myself and making the most out of days which do not seem to follow guidelines certainly make an exciting and rewarding pathway to happiness.   This may not be a cookie cutter lifestyle, but the mess eventually makes a damn nice cake.

My plan; I will be going on a roadtrip with the final destination of upstate NY.  I will be making many stops along the way to check out not only museums and galleries, but to paint which will be the driving force and reason.  Nothing feels as great as the liberty of just creating. Being on the open road, no commitments, just new destinations and making art. This is my comfort zone.  This is my destination for the remainder of the year.

I'm psyched.

I will be sticking in NY state for a couple months; painting snow, tutoring, working on getting published and most importantly, finishing a portfolio.  I will eventually make my way back to Cali, to take the remainder of my classes awarded to me be the ARC scholarship which i'm so excited about and to touch base with my shed.  The remainder of my belongings now amount to barely anything since, due to my constant moving i've had to donate or trash all superfluous items. Even a great many paintings and sculptures are gone and those were the most difficult because alot of it felt like i was getting rid of my history, which to be honest is not all bad. Alot of that stuff was just not a burden i wanted to bear any longer. 

In terms of my professional career I've had to let go alot of my ideals.  Things had worked out fine for me working in a studio but being in charge of everything is a different beast.

 I've had to swallow my stubbornness, ego, and self righteousness, and will now be considering engaging with galleries which ask 50%.  I could make ends meet before, i can't now.  I have no choice but to move forward and swallow the pill.  Such is real life. I'll mention though that I'm still completely in awe of the fact artists have been ok and abiding by these terms and for some odd reason haven't boycott.  But whatever.  History has many examples of things that make me go "ugh?"

This week has been another week where i've moved alot and haven't been very artistically productive.  Here's some stuff regardless;

 Figure drawing earlier this week. F and G open workshop.

black on black study of my tango shoes.  I cleaned out this canvas but i have every intention of doing another one.

In V.Zanganians class this week.