Some of this weeks artwork.
My process now constitutes of live landscape studies, quicksketch at starbucks, good reference material, drawings, reading art books, guaches, small oil paintings, both in values and color, and the larger final piece after ironing out most other questions which may occur in the process. An underdrawing and painting, an underpainting, then building my texture and final piece.
Now, bare the following with me, it's an experiment.
Women merit respect (as everyone does). If someone doesn't respect you and treat you well, then they don't deserve you, and you don't deserve them since the combination is clearly not a good one.
If in any situation, don't sell yourself short by being an asshole or thinking you don't deserve happiness because everyone deserves happiness, respect, love and beauty. It starts in yourself.
For better or worse since i've arrived back in town i've been mostly focusing on the process of creation, and some meeting up with friends, running, yoga and stuff. Point being, the art 'business' has not been on the forefront. I figure, when i have a good hand on this new portfolio i have developing i'll hit the stops and do the other half of the job so i don't stretch myself out too thin prematurely. And you may say, What!? A social life!? Yea, i used to say that too. I have a passion, I don't need a social life. Uh, no. Tried that, it sucks. As an artist we observe, study, and sit in a studio alone day after day week after week. It can be madning. Humans are a social species, there is a good balance to be achieved to maintain a state of psychological health. So. I'm doing a little more of that as wonderful as making art 24/7 can be there are days when other stuff gets to you and streaks a dangerous line.
I'm also seeking a sort of 'enlightment', and connecting that concept with everything i'm interested in and doing. I've had a pretty chaotic life and psychology. I've been my own project for the longest time and now i think i can finally make it home. It feels good, it feels right. On we go with life, living and enjoying every moment. I'll cheers to that, with my tea, which is really hot and barely makes sense to drink in this hot weather... but alas, i'll stand by it.
One last thing, if you're really excited and want to model for someone, i would love to draw/paint you (yes, portraits are awesome). The trade off is you receive a drawing or painting by me (from that session), or we can trade modeling time or i can try to teach a thing or two about a chosen topic, or try to anyway.. can't say i know much about the habits of rabbits but you know, there's the internet. Contact me @
:D alright. Signing out. Till next week.