Friday, July 26, 2013


11"x14" study


I got to take a day in B.Perkins color class, this is a 8"x10" 30min study

 8"x10 hr study

 8"x10" hr study

 8"x10" hr study

8"x10" hr study

8"x10" still life study 

How my planned projection is coming along
a 3/4 scale sculpt i've begun in D.Simons portrait sculpting class.
5"x7" study

Overall i struggled alot this week.  But you know, keep on truckin. Work harder, work smarter.

Friday, July 19, 2013

this weeks frustrations

i had to work more this week (modeling) so i had a good deal less time to work on art.  Gotta play ketchup this weekend next week to meet this weeks goals.
 the bottom two are alla prima studies, i think 16"x12", the top is a quick fechin copy. 
 This is an example of bad composition turning into a bad painting due to sheer frustration.

 a 1hr 'en plein air' study.  I suck at these but i'm trying to work it out.  I love doing them, just gotta connect the dots.  A copy this week would do me good.
Some drawings i'm working out.  They are to be done by this weekend/next weekend in full pen and ink glory. (on another sheet of paper, but i work out all my decisions on crappy regular paper before the final drawing.  This is especially good since i can't erase pen and ink so i need to be confident in my decisions).

Friday, July 12, 2013

what's your poison?


mini copy; 3"x5"

a preview of another finished drawing for a show in October.

Friday, July 5, 2013

This weeks damage

 18"x12", pen n ink
 taking a workshop on planned projection with J.Messer.  He's awesome, take his perspective classes. (LAAFA, Animation Guild, via him)

Study of Sunflowers, will be for sale at Preferred Plants in NY in August.  A couple finishing touches.  
 a color chart. 
The studio and a painting i intend on finishing today.

Hope you guys had a happy fourth.